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Soccerbid were the first and ONLY memorabilia company in the world to be seen weekly on Sky Sports, Setanta & Match of the Day

The following papers have featured Soccerbid and have written positive
stories about us.

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We were previously a registered dealer of Universal Autograph Collectors Club: No 294

Soccerbid was delighted to have supplied memorabillia to help raise 26 Million pounds for the 2011 appeal
As seen on ITV 1 "May the Best House Win" November 2011
As seen on the Quest channel (on Sky, Virgin & Freeview) December 2011

Sports Memorabilia UK Football Autographs, Soccer Autographs, 1966 World Cup sports signatures.

Do you need a valuation for insurance or to help you sell your Sports memorabilia?

As one of the UK’s foremost experts with a database of hundreds of thousands of sold items over 40 years, we are recognised within the Sports memorabilia industry as an expert concerning valuations for items. Insurance companies, the media, and the general public all use us for advice. However, we charge for our services; these charges start at £65 per item depending on how many items and how much research we have to do. Initially, please email us at with a full description of the item(s) along with photographs. We will email you back within 48 hours (working days Mon-Fri). We cannot confirm authenticity where we have not been present at the signing.

Welcome to SOCCERBID giving you the chance to buy a unique piece of history or a personal autograph from your favourite football player, or sports celebrity, team, past and present. Now you can own that football autograph or that soccer autograph you always wanted.

We are a Former (licensed by F.I.F.A. and the English Football Association) players agent. Another part of our company acts as providers of commercial activities in an agents capacity for football players and other sports celebrities. It therefore guarantees football autographs , soccer autographs or other merchandise sold is genuine supplied with a certificate of authenticity.

We go to great lengths to provide you with peace of mind when it comes to authenticity. Selling authentic football autograph, soccer autographs & sports memorabilia products is our business, so we want to make sure you are as confident as we are about the products you buy from us.

Are you a charity or fund raising organisation? Please contact our sales office where we will be pleased to discuss providing football autograph, soccer autographs & other signed items for functions with no monetary risk to yourselves.

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Latest News
January 2025

Where has the last year gone!!! We still are glad to say we are busy and had a great year. But it’s all older players’ signatures that people seem to want. We get asked the question all the time should you invest in memorabilia? Our answer is always the same. Buy something because you want it primarily and if it turns out to be an investment in years to come that’s a bonus. We advised clients when to buy Nelson Mandela’s and when not to those who listened will certainly be in profit. But then the question keeps coming up about Muhammad Ali. Should you buy now or have you missed the boat? We have put together some items only available to clients who email us that we feel are price wise good value and feel the price we are selling at cannot comedown any more. More importantly the authenticity must be right whatever you buy. Our very busy valuation department had to recently advise someone who wanted something insured and needed a valuation that their item was worth a minimum amount as it was clearly a fake they were devastated it turns out they bought from somewhere that is no longer trading email address is unknown mobile number is dead. Why do people do it? We are currently holding our West Ham heads in disbelief and our valuation department was not sure what to value this season’s team signed shirt for!!! Happy New Year!

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News July 2024

It’s been a another strange year in the memorabilia business prices without doubt have fallen, then out of the blue something will get a real demand prices then shoot up short term. 1966 Memorabilia continues to produce promises for the 50th anniversary however the shear amount that is coming onto the Market is driving the prices down. We in fairness have had to be sensible looking at the market demand but to see Bobby Moore autographs fall to an all-time low saddens us. Our valuation department continues to get calls hourly for people who either wish to sell items or get a valuation.

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july 2024

January was a very busy month with Clyde Best over from Bermuda and it was wonderful to meet thousands of new people this included lot of existing Soccerbid customers and hopefully plenty of new ones as well.

We were delighted to say particularly at Southend it was like the old days with memorabilia we actually run out of frames. We now have some wonderful West Ham memorabilia signed by Clyde Best, Pop Robson, Billy Bonds and Phil Parkes.

With shows in different parts of the country we were bought back into the recession very quickly when we went to Stevenage and sold very little and nothing went in the auction. We keep reminding ourselves we are in a luxury business and compared to quite a lot of our competitors we must be grateful for everything that comes in of which we eternally thank you.

On the memorabilia front there seems generally a trend away from the premiership and now looking at the legends of sport. The 1966 prices have seemed to have stabilized at last although Bobby Moore’s autograph continues to rise. More and more people are asking for Alf Ramsey, Kenneth Wolstenholme and Howard Shepherdson which makes up the complete picture for World cup 1966.

We were delighted to put together quite a number of Rugby montages for hospitality companies for the six nation championships and with our boss being a Davies he is confident that Wales will retain the crown as far as the six nations is concerned. However we still think there could be a few surprises with France. England seems to be very much trying to organize themselves with Martin Johnson appearing to be still experimenting with several members of the team.

We are constantly laughing at some of the players going backwards and forwards in the premiership Jermaine Defoe’s Tottenham autographs which were worth nothing when he was in Portsmouth but suddenly are popular again and how many people picked up on the Robbie Keane Tottenham photographs we were selling which went as cheap as £10 when he went to Liverpool. That would have been a good investment who would have worked out that that transfer was going to happen?

It’s amazing at last people are starting to recognize that Manchester City now could be one of the bigger clubs in the next ten years if the financial investment continues to go into the club. Will it ever get to the heights of Chelsea, Man United or Liverpool only time will tell? It’s at this time in memorabilia we have a look at a lot of the previous legends which form quite a lot of the history of the club and we have quite a substantial collection.

Over the years we have built up a large collection of signed magazine pictures and photos we have given quite a lot of our customers the opportunity to buy these at very reasonable prices a lot of which have sold. Using quite a number of these we have now assembled 2 Manchester United 1 Liverpool, 1 Chelsea and 1 England montage which are truly unique items and because some of these images were originally from magazines as opposed to glossy photographs they are that much cheaper the signatures are all original and some of the images are those not used before and certainly not ones that are being seen or sold by other memorabilia dealers. When you look at the England one which was something like 23 signatures we are talking about English football legends here not just journeyman under £450 this is an amazing bargain. When on the wall you would not know it was coloured magazine pages! If you favourite team isn’t featured in a montage why not give us a call because we do have lots of material for most of the big teams.

We have got to give a mention to a certain gentleman James Colborn from Preston who for the last 6 years has been trying to put together a lot of old autographs going back to the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s and we have managed to help with his collection. We have probably now supplied him with something like 80 autographs and we were delighted to make him the first “Special one” customer of 2009 and he will be receiving a little something from us in the post. With the positive comments he has written in a note to us we were the only company that were prepared to go a little step further compared to all our competition. We find that’s the one constant comment we always receive “our customer service is better than all our competitors” This is why we do not want order and pay online we like to talk to you!

Talking of our competition it’s healthy out there and one good thing I suppose with the credit crunch that’s its slowly getting rid of a lot of competition and of course the best way to try and buy memorabilia from a genuine dealer is to telephone between 9am-10am on a Monday morning and see if the answer phone is on at home or if they are doing their other job and their memorabilia is just part time occupation or they are a proper memorabilia dealer.

We feel that the next three to four months is going to be a tough time for people out there and we are constantly being asked for valuations for people who want to sell their memorabilia. A strong word of warning at the moment if you are trying to sell your memorabilia unless it is an item pre 1990 you might end up being offered a lot less money than the value it may be worth holding on at least another 12 months. Its very much a buyers market not a sellers market and its amazing how many people are offering Man united triple signed shirts which a few years ago were anything between £750 and £1500 and now people are accepting £200/ £300.It they wait a year there will find they will get more money than that.

As always we thank you for looking at soccerbid we KNOW it’s tough out there although we are in a luxury industry. We are ever thankful people are looking at the site and hopefully one day will spend some money with us.

Latest News
31st December 2014

Interesting year in the memorabilia market we are going back to the old days when the buyers wanted something specific and the quality of the customers was different.

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August 2013

Firstly apologies for no news for a while it has been a manic time and the memorabilia market had had up and downs this year. We as ever are busy our boss says “if sales do not come through the door then we have to go and get them and in time this will pay off” and the last 12 months have certainly proved dividends using this way to get sales and try and satisfy and more discerning buying public. Auctions have been interesting silent auctions are certainly the more popular where customers can discreetly place bids on items plus the reserves are a lot less. Our vintage items are still selling and this seems to be our exclusive niche in the world memorabilia market. We have for over a year been selling the collection of the former referee Ken Aston. What a history in football he had. He invented the red and yellow cards and he was responsible for a number of rules of the game. His knowledge was used in World Cups from 1962 to 1994, Olympics from 1968 up to 1992 he was instrumental in the setting up of the American Youth Soccer organisation. He instructed referees all over the World. Domestically he refereed the FA Cup final in 1963, loads of European games. The items we have sold include lineman flags, medals, tickets, plaques, books if you are interested in the history why not look at the items we have have or we can send you a list as the stock is changing monthly. For a number of years we have try to predict the football for the forthcoming season it certainly causes some comments from our clients so here goes top 4 is fairly easy however it’s the 5/6/7/8 places so we are going with Chelsea, Everton, Tottenham, Swansea. To be relegated Norwich, Cardiff, possibly dare we say it Newcastle? No European titles this year and FA Cup lets go for our team West Ham,& Swansea for the final. We also have everything crossed for the England team to get to the World cup finals at the time of writing this does not appear to be definite. Our valuation and buying department has grown from strength to strength and more and more insurance companies are now asking for valuations from proper dealers to establish credibility of items. Have a good summer just think of us chained to the desks while you all sun yourselves!

Featured Items

1966 limited edition Team sheet signed by 10 including we are down to the last 3
£475 2 left

1966 replica shirt signed by Geoff Hurst

Chelsea 1970 cup winners print signed by Ron Chopper Harris
£50 or framed £95

Chelsea rare signed by 14 vintage 1960's multi signed image Sexton R&A Harris

Chelsea vintage 1960 multi signed picture

Ferenc Puskas rare genuine signature obtained by us LAST one

Frank Bruno signed Large Glove available in Red
£60.00 for 1 £100 for a pair

Fulham team 1982-83 signed magazine picture

Fulham team from 1950's signed by 5 including Johnny Haynes, Alan Mullery, Jim Langley & Maurice Cook

Jules Rimet Trophy 9ct hallmarked Gold Plated

Matt Busby autograph rare

Neil Lennon signed Celtic print

Sir Trevor Brooking signed FA Cup goal 1980 discount for quantity
Copyright 2005
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